The last year feels like it has flown by! It has been such a joy to
watch Ashley grow and learn with each passing day. She has a cute
little personality that has started to come out now and she is so much
fun! Ashley pulls her self up to standing, walks along all the
furniture and loves to use her little walker, she says a few words like
"go", "wow", "out", "down", "up", and of course, "mama" and "dada". She
loves to go up and down the stairs (I'm not as fond of this). She is
now 31 inches tall and weighs almost 20 pounds. She is our little
string bean!
For her birthday, we have a Winnie the Pooh party with our family here in
Cincinnati. Ashley LOVES Winnie the Pooh so I figured that was a
fitting theme for her. We had a good time together. Ashley was a
little bit in shock with all the attention, but she seemed to do pretty
well. We took a lot of pictures so get ready for picture overload!
I made strawberry donuts for Ashley to have for breakfast |
She loved it! |
We put balloons on Ashley's crib for when she woke up and she was so surprised! |
We went to lunch at Chic-fil-A with the younger cousins who don't have school. Nana brought a Winnie the Pooh balloon and Ash loved it!
She also loved when the kids sang Happy Birthday to her. She just watched them and took it all in.
Ashly wasn't too sure about the cake at first, but once we gave her some spoons she dug right it. So proper! |
Happy Birthday baby girl! We love having you in our family!